Posted tagged ‘Future’

Two optimistic images of why the internet isn’t solely a mind-devouring monster

February 1, 2009

But first,the antithesis:

A unscrupulous vampire with blood poisoning.

theres no protection from the onslaught of harsh and lewd advertising, spam, extremist propaganda and a million other social deseases which seeps into the unsuspecting and unprepared minds

there's no protection from the onslaught of harsh and lewd advertising, spam, extremist propaganda and a million other social deseases which seep into the unsuspecting and unprepared minds

The combination of all your nightmares digitally run together.  The internet is often criticised as the vicious, bloodlusting creature that worms its way into our minds with all its infection and disease and contaminates them with an addictive poison.

Accusations are it:

robs innocence

scrambles objectivity

undermines the authority of research and proof by mixing it with the words of fanatics, radicals and perverts who all have a non-closable Window into the home, university and workspace

builds anti-trust by spamming friend networks, phishing and attaching viruses to your mail.

"Resistance is futile"

Rather than being a user of the net, you become assimilated into it. Your thoughts, feelings and opinions are being re-written to make you into the perfect consumer: "Resistance is futile"

The first image: A human mind inside a collection of machines

The Intenet, the real Ghost in the Machine a computers soul.

The Intenet, the real "Ghost in the Machine" a computer's soul.

Well, perhaps we can’t prove that humans have a soul but the Internet is the closest a computer has to one… the most human part of all those circuits is the data that runs through them: a song uploaded on Myspace or Last FM, a poem published in a blog or a short film on YouTube. The Internet is the power to turn all that deeply personal and perfected work into a computer language and deliver it to anybody.

The Second Image: A interactive wall-painting for the future.

People in future generations will be able to find out so much about ordinary people’s lives and feelings from being able to read our blogs, listen to our music, watch our films and  read our comments.  It’s not the cold facts of a history lesson, it’s the real life of people who once lived and communicated.  Hundreds of years after we’ve all died how much information will we have left behind for future generations to stumble across?

Interactive Wall Painting

Interactive Wall Painting